
Odlomak 8

(Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim)

She was unselfish when she urged Jim to leave her, and even to leave the country. It was his danger that was foremost in her thoughts—even if she wanted to save herself too—perhaps unconsciously: but then look at the warning she had, look at the lesson that could be drawn from every moment of the recently ended life in which all her memories were centred. She fell at his feet—she told me so—there by the river, in the discreet light of stars which showed nothing except great masses of silent shadows, indefinite open spaces, and trembling faintly upon the broad stream made it appear as wide as the sea. He had lifted her up. He lifted her up, and then she would struggle no more. Of course not. Strong arms, a tender voice, a stalwart shoulder to rest her poor lonely little head upon. The need—the infinite need—of all this for the aching heart, for the bewildered mind;—the promptings of youth—the necessity of the moment. What would you have? One understands—unless one is incapable of understanding anything under the sun. And so she was content to be lifted up—and held. “You know—Jove! this is serious—no nonsense in it!” as Jim had whispered hurriedly with a troubled concerned face on the threshold of his house. I don't know so much about nonsense, but there was nothing light-hearted in their romance: they came together under the shadow of a life's disaster, like knight and maiden meeting to exchange vows amongst haunted ruins. The starlight was good enough for that story, a light so faint and remote that it cannot resolve shadows into shapes, and show the other shore of a stream. I did look upon the stream that night and from the very place; it rolled silent and as black as Styx: the next day I went away, but I am not likely to forget what it was she wanted to be saved from when she entreated him to leave her while there was time. She told me what it was, calmed—she was now too passionately interested for mere excitement—in a voice as quiet in the obscurity as her white half-lost figure. She told me, “I didn't want to die weeping.” I thought I had not heard aright.

Bonus: Nešto malo podivljalo

3 komentara


Nina Simone....


Je li vjeruješ da imam "Lord Jim" knjigu, izdanje iz 1958. na engleskom (Riverside Editions)? :) Čak sam i ovaj odlomak našla in Chapter XXXIII.
Ali je nikad nisam pročitala...


Anthony W. Mouse

Sanja · Bilo mi je zadovoljstvo! :D

Afrodito! · Vjerujem, vjerujem da imaš punu sobu odličnih izdanja, maštam kako bi se dobro zabavljao da malo zaronim u to :D, a ova bi mogla da bude jedna od najboljih, ja sam kupio neko Oxford Classics izdanje jeftino na jednom od onih sajmova prošlog ljeta, i mada nije uopšte "ljubavna" kako možda djeluje iz ovog odlomka, o hrabrosti je, odlična je, odlična je, Conrad je nevjerovatan, pročitaj! ❤❤❤ :D

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