Gradual Disempowerment: Simplified
Published on February 22, 2025 4:59 PM GMT
This post is a summary of a paper recently posted here that describes, in
my opinion, a very possible scenario t...
Edward Gorey in the Basement
In March 2022 a man named Tom Fitzharris brought three letters to the
offices of The New York Review of Books. They were part of a cache of fifty
that had ...
Danilo Kiš: "Zašto pišem"
Pisanje je vokacija, mutacija gena, hromozoma; pisac se postaje kao što se
postaje davitelj.
Pišem jer ne znam ništa drugo da radim; jer od svega što bih...
Friday Cartoons
Here are a couple of cartoons I saw this week that feel pretty
representative of how things are going… Steinberg And this, by the late,…
Friday headlines: Heel thyself
The White House and the Treasury will restrict DOGE's taxpayer access to
read-only, anonymized data—the same as what academic researchers and IRS IT profe...
All the Oxygen in the Room
On 8 January I received an email from my boss at the health department
where I work on social epidemiology. It was a message relayed from the US...
Guest Post: Why Ice Speaks Slowly
The first time I landed on the Siple Coast of West Antarctica, I
immediately felt disoriented. The landscape was a monotonous flat white,
with wind-scoured...
american graffiti -- 2/21/25
*Today's encore selection -- from How Star Wars Conquered the Universe by
Chris Taylor.* When George Lucas's first movie, the emotionally cold and
Informed Consent
[Revised entry by Nir Eyal on February 20, 2025. Changes to: Main text,
Bibliography] Informed consent is currently treated as the core of
bioethics. In cl...
A Twist of the Kaleidoscope
Has academia ruined literary criticism? Is this the end of literary
studies? Has contemporary culture reduced authors to mere influencers
building their ...
Sargent Wanted his Models to Talk to Him
John S. Sargent, like most portrait artists of his time, insisted that
models moved and spoke while they posed, unlike the contemporary practice
of havi...
Virtual Reality
Our culture is fond of creating virtual realities (make-believe worlds) and
then spending much of our time in these alternative worlds. In fact,
modernity ...
A whole bunch of non-reviews
It’s that time again, where I blitz through a whole bunch of books I’ve
read or listened to in the past few months. Think of it like that viral guy
on Inst...
Student Driver
My new book THINKING ABOUT THINKING will be out soon! You can pre-order a
copy from my local independent bookstore, Watermark Books, or find it online
5 Great Essays about Love
5 Great Essays about Love
What Romance Really Means by Heather Havrilesky - Long-married romance is
not the romance of watching someone’s every move like a...
Steven Heller’s Font of the Month: Steam
Read the book, Typographic Firsts
This month, Steven Heller takes a closer look at the layer font family,
Steam by Type Forward.
The post Steven Heller’...
Soft Furnishings
Young men of talent and ambition follow many different paths in life. They
imagine themselves inside of all sorts of things conducive to their
perceived ...
Jednooka vizija
Nekada davno sam se zanimao mehanicističkim pristupom, zabavljala me je
ideja čoveka kao nekakvog mernog instrumenta koji oseća i očitava svet oko
sebe u u...
Security Deposit
Sarah Banse Mario, the landlord, a short thick man with a heavy Italian
accent, rehabbed the apartment before we moved in. The wood floors gleamed
with var...
Esther Kinsky’s Lyrical Elegy for the Movies
In Esther Kinsky’s fiction, landscapes write and speak. Across her novels
we find “waters sighing,” “shadows of leaves scribbling notes,” the Oder
Ms. 45 - Abel Ferrara (1981)
Konačno sam pogledao drugi Ferarin film, koji mi je godinama bio
nedostupan, pa sam u jednom trenutku zaboravio da postoj...
Mali Bol i Veliki Bol
Pre nekoliko dana u MIlanu, bila sam na predstavi Falaise. Pripremila sam
bila sebe za savremeno pozorište, za koje nemam sluha, znam od ranije. Ovo
je tre...
Povratak otpisane
Nikad za sebe ne bih rekla da sam glupa, osim možda u jednoj stvari:
dopustila sam društvenim mrežama da mi podvale privid neposrednog dijaloga.
Nasjela sa...
Never give up, etcetera
Do you enjoy my comics and miss seeing new ones? Please join me on Patreon
and support my work! Social media algorithm changes have driven my merch
A Thorn in the Occupier's Eye
South Lebanon is a lesson in steadfastness — an obstinate and determined
testament to the willingness of an indigenous people to confront their
occupier and…
Intermezzo Bookstore Events
FSG is partnering with over 140+ bookstores across the country to celebrate
the publication of Sally Rooney’s Intermezzo. Participating stores will
have ...
Whatever It Is: Life Span by Molly Giles
Molly Giles is funny. Spending time with her, you’ll start to view the
world through a slightly skewed, slightly absurd, and definitely ridiculous
Little Seed
At the time of my brother’s first psychotic break, I knew nothing about
ferns but that I had one and it was dying. I watched its seashell leaves ...
The Book We Need Now: New from Stefan Sagmeister
*Now is Better* by Stefan Sagmeister, soft-cover book and slipcase (Phaidon
Press, 2023).
The book continues Sagmeister’s life-long interest how design ...
The 20 best Rolling Stones albums, ranked
More than six decades after the Rolling Stones performed their first show,
at London’s Marquee Club in July 1962, the self-proclaimed World’s Greatest
Bernard Malamud: Magično bure
Ne tako davno, u maloj, gotovo siromašnoj iako pretrpanoj knjigama, sobi u
predgrađu Njujorka, živeo je Leo Finkl, koji je učio za rabina na
Informasi Aplikasi Pengelolaan Keuangan
Selamat datang di Informasi Aplikasi Pengelolaan Keuangan. Dilansir dari Aplikasi ini dirancang untuk membantu Anda mengelola keuangan
The White Review Summer Party 2023
Thursday 13 July / Bold Tendencies, Peckham / Doors 6:30 pm, Readings from
7:30pm / Tickets This year, we’ll be hosting our annual summer party on
Comet Ice
Could I cool down the Earth by capturing a comet and dropping it in the
ocean, like an ice cube in a glass of water?
Daniel Becker
No. In fact, it's hon...
Finding The Best Lawyers In Dubai for 2021
The need to find the best lawyers in Dubai has become very important, more
so in the wake of increasing cases of murder and crime in […]
The post Finding...
Why Violence Goes Viral: A Thread in Six Parts
NO.29. ¤ 1/ THE MOVEMENT FOR BLACK LIVES has grown during the pandemic.
It is only a matter of time
On September 12th of 2011, the *New York Times* published an article by Dr.
Abigail Zuger in which she criticised certain supposedly unrealistic
aspects ...
Svemirom haraju "bande" crnih rupa
Mislili ste da je jedna crna rupa u središtu galaksije strašna? Mislili ste
da u središtu svih galaksija postoji samo po jedna crna rupa? Nije vam
Poem of the Day: Wings of Desire
This is what it sounds like outside,
fat geese and guinea hens holding hands.
I am 31, which is very young for my age.
That is enough to realize I’m a penci...
Christopher Columbus And The Natives
10 Dec 2015. These traits did not stand out in the Europe of the
Renaissance, The Indians, Columbus reported, “are so naive and so free with
their. 7 Oct 2...
Najbolje serije 2019
1. Too Old to Die Young
2. Gomorra s04
3. Succession s02
4. Chernobyl
5. Kingdom
6. Kominsky Method s02
7. After Life
8. Mindhunter s02
9. Primal
O nepisanju
Nisam pisao. Dve reči tupe i prazne, bezznačenjske, ništa ne otkrivaju
Nisam pisao. Ne zato što praznina narasta ne ostavljajući za sobom ništa
Jezik kojim...
Johen Šmit
/ Oktobar 2019. U KROKODILovoj rezidenciji za pisce tokom oktobra boravi
nemački autor Johen Šmit koji je ujedno i 90. gost KROKODILove Kuće za
pisce. Šm...
Frozen Circuitries
? Here is a brief exercise: go to YouTube, find a video on deep fakes, and
scroll down to the comment section. Here you will be met with the same
comment o...
On Edge
Daniel Kahneman
It seems like yesterday, but *Edge* has been up and running for
twenty-two years. Twenty-two years in which it has channele...
In this essay on the dearth of conservatives in higher education, the
possible oppression of conservatives will be considered. I am obviously not
the first...
Hey ASP Readers! Yes, we aren’t dead, and we also haven’t run off with the
Kickstarter money to buy a mid-size luxury sedan and drive straight across
the M...
Little Star #7 arriving, with Alison Hall
Our latest issue of Little Star, the print magazine, is thundering in our
direction, and time remains to order it at it’s larcenous pre-publication
price h...
Savage Minds is dead! Long live anthro{dendum}!
This will be the last post on the domain, but the site will
live on. It will live on both at this address ( where there
Mirko Kovač - Iz bilježnice o Borislavu Pekiću
Ako smo imali kojeg aristokrata među piscima, onda je to bio Borislav
Pekić. Njegova je otmjenost bogomdana i stavlja se iznad staleža i odgoja.
Plava ...
Merci, Paris
Several years ago, I ran away to Paris. At the time, I felt cast out to sea
without anchor and incapable of steering my ship back on course. Paris was
my k...
The Origami of Space Exploration
Undergrad Robert Salazar is using his expertise in paper-folding to help
NASA create deployable solar reflectors for lunar outposts
-- Read more on Scient...
Lev Borodulin
Tko ne bi žalio brojeve.
Tako su neporočni i čisti.
Samuju u dječjim bilježnicama.
Pet i dva su sedam. Stoji čovjek
pred tim razoružan i ...
Companies That Buy Houses Cash In Florida
*Advantages Of Selling House Through Companies That Buy Houses Cash Rather
Than Hiring A Realtor*
Dealing with a property is a crucial decision, and ther...
Featuring Vicky Mochama
On episode 25 of Cavern of Secrets—our last for the year!—Lauren looks back
at 2016 before speaking with national columnist Vicky Mochama.
Ako se udubite, postane vrlo potresno. Lirski subjekt prolazi unutarnju
dramu i transformaciju koja završava tragično. Nešto kao The Fly od
Marko Poropatić - Balada o stanovima
Koliko puta bežiš iz njenog stana,
Toliko puta u njega opet kročiš,
To već postaje navika nastrana;
Navika da se u odlasku kočiš.
Sporta radi, glođete se u...
Priče s Korane
Otkad je moga grada, njegovi stanovnici odlaze ljetom na rijeke što ga
grle i s njima dišu… Sjedimo tako mama i ja na jednoj od obala, ljetni je
vruć dan...
Adam Roberts: Bête
Adam Roberts je veoma provokativan autor. Elokventan i načitan, pronicljiv
i nemilosrdan, Roberts je ona vrst pisca čije knjige podrazumevaju i dubok
An Interview with Ross Posnock
"It is not in the role of an artist to worry about life – to feel
responsible for creating a better world. This is a very serious
distraction. All your con...
Kristospolna zajednica
Mi obitelj smo išli u šoping u Emezete. Pred ulazom u Emezetu su stajali
jedan barba i jedna teta. Do barbe i tete je bijo jedan stolić sa papirima.
Kad sm...
Bats of the Republic
Bats of the Republic
Author/Designer/Illustrator Zach Dodson
Publisher: Doubleday
Typefaces: "The main fonts used are Fontin Sans and Sentinel, but there are...
Integrated Bus Suggestions
On December 1st, 1955, the course of history was changed when Rosa Parks
refused to give up her bus seat for a white passenger and was subsequently
Violinin zvuk...
Kaldrma. Ostrvo. I taj zvuk. Ni od kuda se čuje a u stopu te prati.
Udaranje potpetica po kaldrmisanom putu... dajući takt onda... kada se zvuk
obmota o...
Brojanje do 8
Lindsay Thomas
s kreveta
3 ptice
na telefonskoj
jedna odleće.
jedna je ostala,
a onda
i ona
moja pisaća mašina
Osamnaest minuta (une promesse non tenue)
Osamnaest minuta, gledala sam u to lice, u oči, obrve, obraze… Osamnaest
minuta mi je trebalo da pustim suze niz lice. I tada je zaista nebitno
miriše li z...
*Poseban je onaj dan kada dolaze gosti. *
Tako je oduvek bilo. Gosti su dolazili "na velika zvona" kada su posebne
prilike, od kada pamtim svet oko sebe. ...
In his article “Ordinary Plenty” Jeremy Keith looks at the value of the all
digital stuff we make, and their ability to last or not.
Preservation is a to...
Lines of Love and Lust for Valentine’s Day
*LOVE POEMS by Pablo Neruda*
Oh girl among the roses, oh crush of doves,
oh fortress of fishes and rosebushes,
your soul is a bottle filled with thirsty...
A poem...
*Od imaginarnog do realnog,od praznine do ljubavi,preko riječi do
dodira,mašta se ostvari.Od poruke pa do čežnje,preko misli sve do
Ja ni ne znam
šta imam i šta
o njemu
Možda je moja kolekcija
najveća na svetu
nije mi žao
Svetu trebaju novi kolekcionari
lažnih idola
On ima novu ko...
Welcome to The Vonnegut Review
What is *The Vonnegut Review*?
A Brief Reflection on #VonnegutSummer
*Opening Essays*
Kurt Vonnegut Has Come Unstuck in Time
Irony and Authenticity in th...
night time is my time
pred spavanje čitam mešu begića i gledam dokumentarce o ajkulama. otisnem
se na pučinu bez imalo straha. leđima ka suncu, usnama ka dnu.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
by Massimo Pigliucci
Or, as the title of the last Star Trek: The Next Generation episode
wistfully announced: “All good things…”
This is the last Ration...
"Svetkovina" Sime Pandurovića #analiza
Đacima sa Gugla... ... Svetkovinu bismo mogli da posmatramo i kao nešto
više od čisto ljubavne pesme. O ovoj pesmi je, možda, najbolje pisao
Miodrag Pavlov...
Ustaj curo mala, ružo procvjetala...
Ponekad maštam kako ostavljam poruku na frižideru "Izašla sam u granap po
cigare, vraćam se za 15 minuta", obuvam se, navlačim mantil i ne vratim se
više n...
Thanks for all the Fish…
[image: Thanks for all the Fish…]
So remember a long time ago when I mentioned that big things were going to
happen with the site? Well, they finally did...
Best of September at A Blog Around The Clock
I posted five times in September, including: They eat horses, don’t they?
“My Beloved…” and other dinosaurs. WCSJ2013 in Helsinki, a photo-tour
Updates, Ev...
OPEN CALL FOR MUSICIANS! (para la versión en español, leer más abajo)
After a few months working on my next short film, I am finally in the
An End to Four Years of Prometheus Fusion Perfection
I have decided to end Prometheus Fusion Perfection. The project is too
expensive for me. The Polywell requires at least $200MM to bring to
fruition. I cann...
*"Prijatelju, sad je dosta. *
*Ako još želiš čitati,*
*Idi i sâm budi zapis *
*i njegov smisao" *
*Angelus Silesius*
*Kerubinski putnik, VI, 263, 167...
iPad HD Retina Wallpaper #3
Here is my last set of ‘HD’ wallpaper designs for a while and again I have
done a multiple set of downloads here for most mobile devices at their
Ostaće daleko za mnom ovi puti
Nestaće i ove suze kud i druge
Ja ću nove želje u svom srcu čuti
Kao nove laste u večeri duge
Prah srebrnih zve...
7 x 7 Award
Oh, darling Neve. Why would you give an award like this to a
self-destructive cinéaste who subconsciously deters the interest of any one
like minded by bei...
pamtim samo sretne dane
devendra, nismo se dogovorili tako. ponekad da bi se zaboravilo nešto treba
zaboraviti sve, a ti si pravio iznimke. pakao je onaj dio nas koji ne želi
Some like it hot
Iako nisam ni ja fan činjenice da se neprestano osjećam konvekcijski, nije
mi mrsko ovakvo vrijeme. Ipak sam dobila barem temperature mojih željenih
TakE a Bow (or a knee)
*Tebow-ing* (verb) - To get down on a knee and start praying, even if
everyone else around you is doing something completely different. (Urban
Ernesto Sabato, O junacima i grobovima
Juce je preminuo Ernesto Sabato.
S` obzirom na ustrojstvo sveta, gajimo nadu u dogadjaje koji bi nam,
ukoliko se dese, doneli samo razocarenje i g...